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Archive for January, 2006

Butterfly Marketing is Live!

Enough of the hype already. The site is finally live.
But I wanted to tell you of the incredible bonuses I will be giving away to the first ten people who purchase ButterFly Marketing from my link:

  • Free Custom Flash Header value $350
  • Free Custom Header Graphic value $250
  • Free Profressionally Designed Website template value $2000
  • Search Engine Optimization Consult value $200
  • Free plug of your website to the GuruListing.com mailer Value $300

All together, with the purchase of ButterFly Marketing I am also giving away over $3000 worth of original content!
So, grab yours today! You won’t be sorry.
Rock on,
Gurulisting.com TonyRocks.com
p.s. I can only offer these services to 10 people, so act now!

“Less than 3 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes, and 23 seconds left until it happens…”

Right now you’ll have to wait 3 days until the release. I’m telling all of you this now so you can be prepared for this life-changing event. Don’t laugh, you will soon see what I mean. Butterfly Marketing will blow you away.

Butterfly Marketing Photo of Mike Filsaime

Mark Joyner Grills Mike Filsaime

Less than 6 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes, and 32 seconds left until it happens…
Oh yeah, I’m sure you’ve already heard from the blaze of emails popping up in the inboxes of thousands of us, but things are moving really fast with the Butterfly Marketing promotion so I wanted to give you an update…

Here is the latest deal of what to expect…hold on to your hats:

1 – Sneak Peak – See the Butterfly Marketing Sales page 1 day early.
2 – Mike is now giving away 2 (yes 2) free course. One live on a call with Mark Joyner – You need to attended to win live…
3- Launch time as been moved (see below)

*** Live Call Monday January 30th at 8PM eastern *** (call link below)

This is going to be a match up bigger than anything in the past…I’d like to think of it as the Led Zeppelin vs. KiS* fight of the 70’s. The Mike Filsaime and Mark Joyner will talk live On Monday.

The coolest thing about this call is that Mike is giving a random listener a FREE copy of the course live on the call.

Mike also reveals the sales page (with no order link) live on the call for you to read for 90 minutes… The reason is is so important is because there are fast mover bonuses on Tuesday (live day) and now you can review the sales page and see the bonuses so you can race to the order button on Tuesday while others are still reading the sales page.

This bonus will move faster than greased Scotsman in an air duct!

FINALLY.. Not only will Mark Joyner grill Mike live to squeeze out every last detail … Mike will reveal a results of Marketing Research he did based on buying times of his members of thousands of purchases made all over the world over several months.

The time you send email will forever change when you hear these results. This aint no lie!

To get on this call with OVER 1000 people and 5000 people on world wide web cast, get the CALL OF THE YEAR details here, now.


Rock on My Friend,

Tony from TonyRocks.com

*** Tuesday January 31st at 12PM eastern ***

The site goes live and hundreds are expected to purchase the first (and maybe the last) of the Butterfly Marketing Course produced.


Joyner vs Filsaime, Butterfly Bout

Yes, I have been pushing and pushing Mike Filsaime’s upcoming package called Butterfly Marketing. Why? Look, I’m making absolutely no money at all by promoting this to my email list, but I feel soo strongly about Mike’s concepts that I would feel guilty not letting you in on the whole deal. It is not everyday that you can get your hands on an actual product created by a internet marketing master such as this.
Mike has informed me that he is now starting to blow the doors open with this, revealing so much so soon that you will feel blown away.
So far he has given away a fr_e copy, will be giving away another copy, provided us with a leaked chapter, the list goes on. Mike knows his stuff, and he wants to prove that to you. Coming soon Mike will take part in an “interrogation” tele-conference with the famous Mark Joyner. I won’t tell you the details now, but please go ahead and check out the special page he has set up to reveal more to you!
Thats all for now my friend,
Talk to you soon!


P.S. You must sign up soon to get on the call with Mark Joyner and Mike soon or spots will run out!

Want The Woman (or Man) of Your Dreams to Fall In Love With You?

Valentine’s Day is Right Around The Corner!

OH! NO! You say!? What is one to do? Well, my good friend Leslie has the solution for all you procrastinators who can’t think of anything. She has put together an incredible product that guarantees that you’ll be winning brownie points this Valentine’s Day. This is all about love letters…you know you are bad at writing them, so why not give the expert the chance to write them for you?
Do You Want The Woman (or Man) of Your Dreams to Fall *Head Over Heels* In Love With You?
Hang on, ’cause it’s about to happen – I guarantee it!

Instantly Send Love Letters Without Writing A Single Word!

An Email Blaster With NO Double Opt-In?!

Yes, you heard me right!
I’ve recently switched to Emal Aces to manage my email list. Why? Because it was cheap, PLUS I already had an email list that needed importing. Some of the other manage email list places require that you double opt-in your list even if they have already opted in before! I find this just totally insane.
Go ahead and check the place out by clicking on my special offer link:
I suggest going for the top membership level! You’ll be able to import more leads. I’ve also seen a huge jump in my conversion rates as well.

Real Video of Mike’s PayPal Account!

All I can say is wow!
You know, all the buzz going on about Mike Filsaime’s New Butterfly Marketing Coming January 31st is enough to have us all wonder if it is all hype.
Mike is very aware of that. In fact, he is doing everything he can to make sure that the launch is not filled with hype and garbage.
After seeing some posts in forums, his Blog, and and even personal emails sent to him, he has decided to put the “Nay-Sayers”
to bed and any rumors to rest once and for all.
Mike shared some very personal information here but he knows that people just do not take income claims as real just because you say you make it.
I encourage you to watch this video. It is very inspiring to know that if Mike did this in 3 years, so can you and me.
Watch his PayPal Account here…

If this video excites you, then getting your hands on Mike’s Butterfly marketing viral site maker software in a few weeks will change your online marketing forever.

I can’t wait to get my copy.


Special Header Design Offer!

“I’m giving you thousands of dollars worth of design work!”

Thanks to your purchase of the interest in or services, I’m offering you my services at dirt-cheap prices.

Why are you doing this, Tony?!

Well, let’s face it. We are all in the same game…all just trying to make a buck. I’ve experimented with designs of all sorts for over 10 years. I like to see nice work on websites. Most importantly I like to see websites that need help graphically. This tells me that I should kick in teach mode and help that person out! I’m here to help you save the embarrassment of your website looking crappy! Why? Again, we are all in the same boat and I just want others to take what we do seriously! And that, I believe begins with a kick-butt design!

Here are some of the cool options I am offering:

Header graphic (including PSD files and fonts) $165

Flash logo header (including FLA source files) $170

Complete website with CSS styles, graphic logo and html (similar to ViralFX.com) $300

Complete website with CSS styles, Flash Logo & Graphic Logo and html (similar to this page) $370

I dare you to find cheaper, better work!

Believe it or not, many design firms will charge you thousands of dollars to do the work that I am offering you with this special ViralFX promotion.

Be sure you mention in the contact form “Tony Rocks is helping out” to get the special Tony Rocks special pricing.

You can’t go wrong with a killer design. Plus, with all the awesome stuff you’ll learn with your membership through ViralFX.com, it only makes sense to make sure you hit a home from right from the start!


Just pick one or more of the option above and we can get the ball rolling. You can send me as much information about your project as possible. If you don’t see what you are looking for from the above options, simply fill out my contact form here.

Do this right the first time! Don’t make the mistake of getting your name out there by having a sucky design…I’m here to help you realize your potential and show your customers that you mean business!

Check out the nice words people have said about Tony Rocks.

“Tony Rocks delivered on their promise of a unique and flashy practical design. Their approach to the whole site design and architecture was logical and well though out.”

-Mike Filsaime

“Tony Rocks helped me get my projects moving…especially with implementing the horoscope section of our Funbar. They also created numberious graphics and helped with designs. Tony Rocks is a good, reliable and reasonable company.”

-Eric Baum

“From concept to design to implementation, Tony Rocks is tops. The project would never have left the ground if it had not been for the Tony Rocks team.”

-Chris M

Ok, I won’t torture you with anymore sales copy. Go ahead and think this over, but don’t delay. This offer is only good for a limited time! Then I will revert to my regular hourly rates! Here’s to your success…which starts with your brand image. Rock On!

23 days left and I’ve found the manuscript…

If you haven’t already heard, a piece of Mike Filsaime’s ButterflyMarketing manuscript leaked out into a marketing forum. I’ve been looking for it myself though, but with no luck :(

But, the rumor is true for sure. Mike was pretty upset about the leak and asked the moderator to remove it.

According to Mike though, the unfinished copies posted did not accurately reflect the “true” secrets and strategies of Butterfly Marketing.
Well, to fix this, Good ole Mike has agreed to release a limit run version of the leaked document. (If only the CIA could do the same :) ) which
contains corrected and updated information.
But, there is always a but…this thing will only last for a few days.
So rush here if you ever want to read this top secret information:
-Tony from GuruLising and TonyRocks.com
This manuscript will “go away” soon, so I appologize if it is not there by the time you read this post!