Dieting and Losing Weight – The Latest Buzz After the Holidays

It is no surprise to me that after binging every week during the holidays that I feel like I’ve gained a few pounds.  I did eat lots and I did gain some weight.  Apparently many others feel the same way too!  But figuring out how I was going to squeeze back into my 32 inch waisted jeans wasn’t the only thing on my mind. I was also racking my brain all weekend trying to think of a buzz to write about.  The first thing I usually do is check out the Google Zeitgeist, but for fun I decided to see what was going on over at Yahoo Buzz.

What I found over at the buzz was almost exactly what I was thinking:  How am I going to lose this fat?  I need to go on a diet, or get back on WeightWatchers.  Either way, the sentiments echoed over at the Buzz.

The top movers include the Sacred Heart Diet and Healthy Choice.  Plus the latest buzz log states that searches on “diets” are still showing steam and up over 61% this past week. 

So now I don’t feel bad as it seems that many others have dieting on their mind.  Personally I like to work out a bit.  Well, no I don’t.  I will just do the diet thing.   Working out scares me.  Especially if you are in the same room as people who can’t control their bodily functions.  The video and audio below is proof:

Related Dieting Links:

So there you have it.  Heck with your diet.  Everyone will be bundled up in sweaters and jackets.   Nobody will ever notice your new and awesomely earned weight gain!

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